Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bullfight November 2010

Bullfighting in Okinawa is called Togyu. It's not really like Spanish bullfighting that you may think of. The matches are sort of like sumo wrestling because they are a contest of strength. The point is not for the bulls to harm each other, and in fact, if a bull accidentally gores its opponent, the match is immediately over. But just like sumo wrestling, the bulls are ranked by ability, with the top bull in the sport being called the yokozuna.The bulls lock horns and try to push each other backwards using all their might. Each bull has a handler that encourages it to win and these guys are half the entertainment. They stomp their feet and shout like madmen in an attempt to energize the bull.The winning bull is draped with a cloth and the owner of the bull is given a gift to celebrate.

Well, you know me. Hearing that there was something this "unique", I had to go!!

This guy was kind of like a clown?? He did funny things and made everyone laugh!
We got to go down into the ring before the matches started to see some of the retired bulls.
Posing! Too bad the picture taker didn't get the bull's head!!
A little Taiko drumming and dance entertainment:-)
Begin the matches!!!
Elijah took this picture<3
I went to the top to get a full aerial shot of the arena.
This was such a fun night for us!

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